Via Lessolo 3 - 10153 - Torino
T. +39 011/19464131 | F.+39 011/0410564
JD, Law
Università degli Studi di Torino
Languages spoken
Professional qualifications
Supreme Court Lawyer
M&A – corporate acquisitions, joint ventures, mergers, divisions under a legal and financial point of view, drafting of contractual documents, negotiation with counterparts and financial organizations
National and international commercial contracts – Drafting and negotiation of contractual join ventures, distribution agreements, sponsorship agreements
General legal assistance to company’s groups, also quoted on the market – coordination between the contracts phase and the litigation phase
Legal aid in Corporate’s Administrative liability (D.lgs., 231/2001) and corporate governance
Member of ODV, pursuant to D.lsg. 231/2001
Legal assistance in litigation, with a specific focus on company law and labour law
Legal aid in Corporate restructuring, also in the creditor procedures – and legal assistance in creditor procedures during the bankruptcy phase
Legal assistance in labour law